

  • Shandong Aojin Chemical Dobavljač sirovina Parafinska voska pošiljka, parafinski vosak podijeljen je u potpuno rafinirani parafinski vosak i polu-rafinirani parafinski vosak. Today, Aojin Chemical will share with you the specific product information and uses of paraffin wax. ...
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  • DOP označava ftalatu diokvil, poznat i kao diookvil ftalat. It is an organic ester compound and a commonly used plasticizer. Its main functions can be summarized as follows: 1. Plasticizing effect Plasticizer: DOP is a general-purpose plasticizer, mainly used in t...
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  • Adipic acid manufacturers share the delivery of industrial grade adipic acid 99.8%. Shandong Aojin Chemical supplies adipic acid with guaranteed quality and sufficient inventory. Let's share our delivery live pictures below. ...
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